Legacy Organization Services

“I’ve known Marcie for over a decade and, in that time, I’ve watched her change countless lives. Guiding families through the most difficult moments of their lives—helping them plan final arrangements, navigate loss, and get their affairs in order—Marcie goes above and beyond in everything she does. She is a bright light, a person who genuinely has your best interest at heart. If you have the opportunity to work with Marcie, take it. Her actions speak for themselves, and those who have worked with her know just how much of a privilege it truly is.”

Jay Temaat

State Farm Agency Owner

Get experienced guidance tailored to your needs.

Welcome to Money Coach Marcie, where we help you achieve your life goals through personalized coaching and expert advice. Whether you need assistance with life paperwork, budgeting, or legacy organization, we’re here to support you every step of the way.